Monday 7 November 2016

Storyboards Introduction

LO: To begin to analyse storyboards and critically assess examples.
LO: To use critical assessments to begin to design your own storyboards for your game.


On a separate post it note for each -

Write down 3 good things and 1 improvement to be made for the following 3 storyboards:

Think about:

What stands out about it?
What good language has been used in the descriptions?
Does colour make a difference to the understanding?
Can you picture this game screen? (Why is this important?)
Wold this storyboard be useful in the design phase of your game?


Using the templates on Google Classroom, begin to design your game screens for the following screens:

1) Main Menu
2) Instructions
3) Backstory

Remember to use your post it notes for ideas on how to make useful storyboards.

Extension - Having designed your screens, begin to explain why you have designed them in that way.


Swap seats with your partner and give critical feedback about each screen created (3 starts and a wish)