To use marking scheme to critique your work so far
To use tracking document to focus on key areas to develop
Using the Future Worlds makscheme. Read through and highlight key words for each strand (Not Strand E - we will do this next lesson)
Task 1:
Open up your Future Worlds tracking document
For each section:
1) Read and decide where you think you sit on the markscheme
2) Mark as either N (Nothing), P (In progress/Not up to target grade), Y (Completed to expected standard)
What do I need to do to reach my target?
Open the '10n6 Improvements FW' document in Google Classroom.
Task 2:
1) Pick 5 items from the "What do I need to have?" column
2) Why wave you chosen this item?
3) What do you need to do to improve it?
Task 3:
Begin to make the imporvements you listed on your Google Slides documnet
Update your tracker with any changes you have made.