Monday, 21 March 2016

Unit 4: Input and Output

Understand the differences between input and output devices

Recognise where sensors are used in everyday objects

    Thursday, 17 March 2016

    Homework - Due 11th April

    Ensure all design work for Future Worlds is completed upon returning from Easter Holidays.

    The following must be finished:
    Game Overview
    Moodboard and analysis
    Storyboards (including pictures added and file exported as a .pdf)
    Rules Log. 

    Wednesday, 16 March 2016

    Homework - Due 11th April (After Easter)

    Complete your "Trends in Computing" presentations in full. 
    Use blog posts for guidance.


    Trends in Computing - Final Lesson

    Click HERE for specification

    Trends in Computing - Lesson 3 of 4

    Click HERE for specification

    Tuesday, 15 March 2016

    Game Screens


    What Makes an effective game interface?


    1) Using Adobe fireworks, create a blank canvas 640 x 480 pixels for each of the screens you need to make for your game:

    • Main Menu
    • Instructions
    • Win Screen
    • Lose Screen
    • Levels 1 - 5
    • Backstory

    Make sure that any improvements needed from your feedback are included in this.

    Any images you use from the internet must be recorded in your assets table (if you have not created an Assets table, do this now - example below)

    All final completed screens must also be included in your assets table.

    ARS sheet link

    Broadcasting in Scratch

    LO Demonstrate broadcast programming in Scratch
    Starter:  If you could design a game over screen, what would it look like. Compare and contrast your designs.
    Does it suit your audience?
    Does it suit your game? 

    Task 1:
    a) Paint a new background in your game that will be your Game Over screen. Save the backdrop as it as Game Over

    Task 2:  
    a) Add script blocks your main character to do the following... 


    Task 3:

     a) Program broadcasting for Game Over screen on your main character 


    Moving On.... 
    a) Open your Scratch Evidence Document
    b) Complete the Lesson 5 section

    Wednesday, 9 March 2016

    BBC Schools Report - Y9 DD

    Your task is to edit your recordings in to a BBC news style report using Windows Movie Maker or Adobe Premiere Pro.

    Click HERE to open the Wildern School BBC Schools Report Blog.

    Click the image below to open a folder with the BBC resources that are available to use.

    You have 1 and a half lessons to complete the editing.  The final 30 mins will be needed to export the videos from the editing file to video format.

    Your complete videos will be uploaded to the schools dropbox folder bellow once the have been checked!

    Click here to access the dropbox folder

    Monday, 7 March 2016

    Game Screens


    What Makes an effective game interface?


    1) Using Adobe fireworks, create a blank canvas 640 x 480 pixels for each of the screens you need to make for your game:

    • Main Menu
    • Instructions
    • Win Screen
    • Lose Screen
    • Levels 1 - 5
    • Backstory

    Make sure that any improvements needed from your feedback are included in this.

    Any images you use from the internet must be recorded in your assets table (if you have not created an Assets table, do this now - example below)
    All final completed screens must also be included in your assets table.

    Wednesday, 2 March 2016

    Unit 7 - Programming Concepts


    Grab your books and design an Algorithm for:

    1. Getting ready for school or Making a cup of tea
    2. One of your choice

    Use the BBC Bitesize link to revise/test yourself!


    Using your Pseudocode knowledge, try to rewrite your 'Getting ready for school' algorithm as Pseudocode....