Download the python evidence document here
****************** PART 1 ******************
Create a simple 'Hello' program in Python using the 'Print'
Task 1:
Write this code:
1.print (“Hello, how are you today?”)
2.print (“I hope you are enjoying learning Python”)
3.print (“What shall we code next?”)
Now change it to make your own message.
Task 2:
Python has an in-built calculator.
Try out a calculation in Python using the Print command.
* = Multiplication
- = Subtraction
/ = Division
+ = Additions
1.print (5*2)
2.print (6+6)
3.print (6/2)
See if the person next to you is just as quick to work out the calculation.
****************** PART 2 ******************
Complete the evidence document for the first 2 sections.