Tuesday 22 September 2015

Future Worlds - Game Overview

To give a justification about the scenario you have chosen
To produce a detailed Game Overview outlining the key decisions for your game.


Write a brief game outline for each scenario


1) Download the Game Overview document HERE
2) Chose which one of the three scenarios you like the most (remember you will be making this in Game Maker)
3) Complete the following information for your game:

  • Target audience: Who is the game aimed at? Age group (any age range between 4 and 16)? Girls and/or boys?
  • Purpose/objective: What does the player have to do to complete the game? What should they learn?
  • PEGI rating: What is the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) rating?


Share your Game Overview with partner and give 2 stars and a wish peer feedback about the overview:
1) Have they understood each scenario?
2) Is the outline realistic in the time frames allowed?

3) What could they add to improve their game idea?

Complete game overview document