Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Input and Output Homework

Due Wednesday 14th October

1) Log into using the google+ icon and your wildern account:


1) Click on the share button

2) Click next button twice,

3) Click publish

4)  Click Embed Video icon

5) Copy the Embed Code

6) On your blog post, click html

7) Paste your embed code into your post and publish

Instructions Booklet

LO1 - To appreciate the reason for having an instruction booklet
LO2 - To develop an electronic instruction booklet for your game


You will have understood the reason for having an instruction booklet
You will have designed a paper copy of your instruction booklet
You will have begun to create 
an instruction booklet


Take a look at the examplar instructions booklets:

Examplar 1
Examplar 2
Examplar 3
Examplar 4

Remind yourselves:

What information should be in an instruction booklet?
How should you present it?


Take 2 pieces of A4 and fold them in half to make an eight page booklet
You will need to have at least the following pages:

  • Front Cover
  • Contents Page
  • Back Story
  • Control
  • Objectives 
  • Characters
  • Copyright Notice

Using suitable software (Microsoft Publisher / Adobe InDesign) start creating your instruction booklet on the computer


Share your booklet with a partner 

2 Stars and a Wish
Is your partners booklet suitable for their game and target audience?

Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Play & Learn - Create an Interface

Lesson Objectives

 - use graphics software to create game interface screens


What is the game interface?

What makes an effective game interface?


Using Adobe Fireworks, Photoshop or Illustrator to create an empty canvas 
640 x 480 pixels in size for each of the screens that you will need
  • Main Menu
  • Instructions
  • Win Screen
  • Lose Screen
  • Level 1
  • MAKE SURE that each canvas is 640 x 480 pixels in size
  • MAKE SURE that you save each one as a PNG in your PRODUCTSfolder


Create the screens that you designed on your storyboards on the computer
  • Main Menu Screen
  • Instructions/Help Screen
  • Win Screen
  • Lose Screen
  • Level 1
  • MAKE SURE that you make any improvements needed from your storyboard feedback

Help with using Photoshop

  • Create the backgrounds that you will need for your different levels
  • MAKE SURE that you save each one as a PNG in your GAME folder


  • DOWNLOAD THE ASSETS TABLE FROM HERE - make sure that you record your interface screens as primary assets and any image from the internet as secondary assets
  • Make sure all of your game screens have been saved as PNG files

Baseline 2

Year 7 Baseline Test 2

From Internet Explorer - copy and past the following link:


Find your name and open the file. Complete the test in silence please.

Baseline 2

Year 7 Baseline Test 2

From Internet Explorer - copy and past the following link:


Find your name and open the file. Complete the test in silence please.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Laws in Computing/Computer Systems Homework

Homework Due: Tuesday 13th October

1) Complete your Computing law posters and print

2) Complete the following table using knowledge from last lesson on Computer Systems:

Laws in Computing Pt 1 and 2

Lesson Objectives 

LO1 Learn about the laws relating to the use of computers and the implications for computer systems design and use 
LO2 Understand the need to recycle old computer equipment and the benefits of doing so LO3 Understand the meaning of “computer ethics” and look at some examples

Red - You will understand what the Data Protection Act and Computer Misuse Act are
Amber - You will understand what the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act is
Green - You will understand how the Health and Safety Acts relates to computers




Using the website produce a poster(s) with the key information for each of teh following:

  • Data Protection Act
  • Computer Misuse Act
  • Heath and Safety legislation
  • Copyright, Design and Patents Act
  • Ethical considerations
  • Environmental considerations


Thursday, 24 September 2015

Storyboard homework - 11n/Is5


Due Friday 2nd October

Complete your Storyboard templates for your Play and Learn screens and levels - You can still add images to these after the homework is due.
(We will not be spending any more time on these in class)

9n/Is1 Homework


Due Monday 5th October

1)  Complete your game overview.
2)  Email to me:
3)  Collected images that might inspire you to make your game - These will be printed and placed      into a moodboard of ideas.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Future Worlds - Game Overvierw

To give a justification about the scenario you have chosen
To produce a detailed Game Overview outlining the key decisions for your game.


You need to jot down some ideas for each scenario. Consider:
  • How many levels might you have (minimum of 3!)
  • Main characters
  • Enemies
  • Collectables
  • How will it be measured? e.g. score/health/lives
  • What will the story/theme be? (make sure it fits with the scenario!)


1) Download the Game Overview document HERE

2) Chose which one of the three scenarios you like the most (remember you will be making this in Game Maker)

3) Complete the following information for your game:

  • Target audience: Who is the game aimed at? Age group (any age range between 4 and 16)? Girls and/or boys?
  • Purpose/objective: What does the player have to do to complete the game? What should they learn?
  • PEGI rating: What is the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) rating?


Share your Game Overview with partner and give 2 stars and a wish peer feedback about the overview:

1) Have they understood each scenario?
2) Is the outline realistic in the time frames allowed?

3) What could they add to improve their game idea?


Complete game overview document

Future Worlds - Game Overview pt2

To give a justification about the scenario you have chosen
To produce a detailed Game Overview outlining the key decisions for your game.


Write a brief game outline for each scenario


1) Download the Game Overview document HERE
2) Chose which one of the three scenarios you like the most (remember you will be making this in Game Maker)
3) Complete the following information for your game:

  • Target audience: Who is the game aimed at? Age group (any age range between 4 and 16)? Girls and/or boys?
  • Purpose/objective: What does the player have to do to complete the game? What should they learn?
  • PEGI rating: What is the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) rating?


Share your Game Overview with partner and give 2 stars and a wish peer feedback about the overview:
1) Have they understood each scenario?
2) Is the outline realistic in the time frames allowed?

3) What could they add to improve their game idea?

Complete game overview document

Future Worlds - Game Overview pt1


To develop your 3 game ideas further through peer assessment.
To identify which one you will progress into your final product.


Get your homework out from last lesson.  Swap with the person next to you and conduct 2 Stars and a Wish peer feedback for each brief on the following criteria:
1) Have they understood each scenario?
2) Is the outline realistic in the time frames allowed?
3) What could they add to improve their game idea?


Using the peer feedback - Improve each game brief to include more detail such as:  Main character(s) profile, number of levels and outcomes and gameplay (health? timer? lives? etc)


Swap your work with your partner from the start of the lesson and comment/discuss upon the changes they have made.

Future Worlds - Game Overview

To give a justification about the scenario you have chosen
To produce a detailed Game Overview outlining the key decisions for your game.


Write a brief game outline for each scenario


1) Download the Game Overview document HERE
2) Chose which one of the three scenarios you like the most (remember you will be making this in Game Maker)
3) Complete the following information for your game:

  • Target audience: Who is the game aimed at? Age group (any age range between 4 and 16)? Girls and/or boys?
  • Purpose/objective: What does the player have to do to complete the game? What should they learn?
  • PEGI rating: What is the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) rating?


Share your Game Overview with partner and give 2 stars and a wish peer feedback about the overview:
1) Have they understood each scenario?
2) Is the outline realistic in the time frames allowed?

3) What could they add to improve their game idea?

Complete game overview document

Friday, 18 September 2015

Intro and Operators

LO - To be able to demonstrate use of operators using a data set

Outcome - You will be able to describe each operator and give an example of each

Starter - 5 minutes

We will be using three operators for this starter task:


What do you know about these already?


1) Class filtering:

       1. = male
      2. < 13
      3. shoe size > 5
      4. = 12 AND = likes mushrooms AND shoe size < 8

2) Create a new folder in your SITES folder called Unit 3
4) Save it in your Unit 3 folder

5) Create a sequence of 3 operators for the class to attempt to filter down to between 3 and 1 people (Do this generically and not something you know one of your friends will fit in to!)
6) Complete the Lesson 1: Operators section of your Logic Evidence Document


Complete the Lesson 1: Operators section of your Logic Evidence Document


Complete Task 1 in your HomeStudy Booklet - due: next ICT lesson

E-Safety Homework - Poster

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Inputs and outputs

Input vs Output


Starter - Input VS Output - 5 minutes

Main Task - 45 minutes

Plenary - 10 minutes

Monday, 14 September 2015

Future Worlds - Scenarios Lesson 2


To familiarise yourself with the Future Worlds Specification.
To group together ideas to form a basis for your game.

Group yourselves according to your birthdays (Group1: Jan-Apr, Group 2:May-Aug, Group 3:Sept-Dec)

Main 1:
In your group:
1) Read the given scenario
2) Discuss ideas for games
3) Write down these ideas on the piece of paper provided (be ready to justify your idea)

When instructed - Move to the next station.

Main 2:
1) Read the scenario and the ideas already on the paper.
2) Tick ideas you like.
3) Discuss in your group more ideas and add accordingly.

When instructed - Move to the final station.

Main 3:
Repeat the process.

Plenary 1:
Discuss each scenario as a group - What you liked, didn't like and any difficulties you had.

Plenary 2:
Spend 5 minutes summarising your personal thoughts and preferences on all the ideas seen today.

For each scenario ( - Write a brief outline of an idea for a possible game.  (Remember you will be making this in Game Maker so don't be too fancy!)

E-Safety homework

Using the following website:

1) Sign in with your Wildern email using google+.

2) Select comic strip (or book if you feel adventurous!)

3) Create a brief comic about advice for E-Safety.

4) Once completed print directly or print screen and print off.  (alternatively email:                         

5) Enjoy!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Play and Learn Moodboards/Storyboards

Play and Learn: Storyboard Templates

Starter - 10 minutes

  1. Download these storyboard templates for the GREEN TASK later
  2. Open your homepage.html in Adobe Dreamweaver
  3. Check what you have DONE
  4. Link all you have onto your EPORTFOLIO

Main - 45 minutes

RED TASK A moodboard - with annotations

ORANGE TASK - A completed game overview
Resource 1 - Click here to download a game overview template 

GREEN TASK - Begin drawing storyboards for:
  • Main Menu
  • Instructions Screen
  • Back Story
  • Level1
  • Level2
  • Level3
  • Level4
  • Level5
  • Win Screen
  • Lose Screen

Download these storyboard templates and add each storyboard image to it - annotating as you go

Plenary - 5 minutes

Swap your work with a partner

Give your test buddy two stars and a wish for their storyboards
Could you make a game screen from them?
Would they appeal to the target audience?

Computer Science - Unit1 Computer Systems Lesson 2

L/O1 - Understand that a computer system consists of hardware, software, data and often, communications technology
L/O2 - Understand that the basic elements of a computer system are input, processing, storage and output
L/O3 - Understand that a computer system may have one user or thousands of users, each performing different tasks


Red - You will be able to talk about the different parts of a computer system
Amber - You will be able to explain different kinds of computer system
Green - You will be able to identify key parts of different computer systems

Computer systems Worksheet 1

Computer systems Homework 1

Video Link

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Future Worlds - e-portfolio

Getting Organised

You need to ensure you save all the work you do in the correct folders.

Create a folder called DA204SPB which contains these two subfolders:
PRODUCTS – all final products must be saved here
EVIDENCE – all other evidence must be saved here

Set up the folder structure needed for Future Worlds

Set up your e-portfolio

Add all required links to your page

Add a suitable banner to the top of your e-portfolio

Create the folders needed in your sites folders.


1. Open Adobe Dreamweaver

2. File --> New --> Blank Page

3. Go to my and copy all of the text and put it on yours to fit your style

4. Save your page in DA203SPB as homepage.html

5. Using Adobe Photoshop or Fireworks, create a new blank document 900 pixels wide x 250 pixels high

6. Create a gaming related banner for your Future Worlds ePortfolio

7. Insert your banner into your ePortfolio. Save it.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Setting up a Blog for CS

Learning outcomes

  • LO1 – To develop your understanding of a blog

  • LO2 – To create your own blog
  • Go to
  • Have a look at a few of the ICT teacher blogs that are linked on the menu
  • These were all made using Blogger, but all have their own unique style and structure

Red Task
  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your Wildern details
    (email is:
  3. Set up a blog for your ICT lessons

Amber Task
Customise your blog to a style that you like using these options

Green Task
Create a new blog post explaining why you have made the design choices you have 

Use the guide linked here to find out and try a new skill