Thursday, 10 December 2015

Storyboard sketch work H/W

Homework: Due 1st lesson back after Christmas holiday.

Complete your sketches for the screens listed below.

You must have a storyboard for the following:

Main Menu - Must have play, instructions and backstory buttons
Instructions - Must have a way back to main menu
Backstory - Must have a way back to main menu
3 - 5 game Levels
Win Screen Play again? Main Menu?
Lose Screen - Play again? Main Menu?

We will photograph/scan after Christmas and insert into the document ready to complete the written part of the task/feedback.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Python Lesson 1: Intro


Work out our lesson aim:

Python is used to create different apps and programs for many different industries:
  • Science
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Financial
  • Government



Task 1 and 2 on the slide

AMBER TASKTask 3 and 4 on the slide

GREEN TASKTask 5 on the slide


Monday, 7 December 2015

Moodboard H/W

Due by 18th December:

Complete your moodboard analysis.

You may need to email your actual moodboard to yourself if you have not finished taking screenshots.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Digging Deeper Cover - 8y4


Select one of the templates and complete the sums to produce a Nintendo character!

Chose from the following:

On the back of one of your template, try to design your own character for a Nintendo style game (You DO NOT have to make up sums - unless you want to!


Download the Storyboard templates below:

you must have a storyboard for the following:

Main Menu - Must have play, instructions and backstory buttons
Instructions - Must have a way back to main menu
Backstory - Must have a way back to main menu
5 game Levels
Win Screen - Play again? Main Menu?
Lose Screen - Play again? Main Menu?

Application Software Task

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Game Maker templates

Fruit Game

Play the game here

Platform Game

Play the game here 

Scrolling Game

Play the game here

Rapid Finger Race Game

Play the game here
Press S and D to play.

Moodboard Homework

Due by 18th December:

Complete your moodboard analysis.

You may need to email your actual moodboard to yourself if you have not finished taking screenshots.