Thursday, 26 November 2015

Game Maker Template analysis

Fruit Game

Play the game here

Platform Game

Play the game here 

Scrolling Game

Play the game here

Rapid Finger Race Game

Play the game here

Complete the following document for each of the games:

Which aspects could you bring from these games to your own ideas?  Edit some of your design decisions to show this.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Hardware homework

Hardware Lesson 1: Homework - 

Due Tuesday 15st December

Complete the 2 worksheets linked below.  These can be printed and written by hand or typed up.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Review - Changing worlds


Read some real reviews here:

You must produce a review of your game that would be suitable for publication in an on-screen computer games magazine.

Ask game reviewers to play your game and give you feedback.

The review should include: 

  • technical details
  • strengths and weaknesses
  • user ratings for different aspects of game play
  • comments from game reviewers.
 Produce a review of your game.

Resource 1 - Click here to download the review template  

View the example below:

e-Portfolio- Changing Worlds

Getting Organised

1. Open Adobe Dreamweaver

2. File --> New --> Blank Page

3. Go to my and copy all of the text and put it on yours to fit your style

4. Save your page in DA203SPB as homepage.html

5. Using Adobe Photoshop or Fireworks, create a new blank document 900 pixels wide x 250 pixels high

6. Create a gaming related banner for your Changing Worlds ePortfolio

7. Insert your banner into your ePortfolio. Save it

Monday, 9 November 2015

Design Deadline - Friday 13th November

Year 11 Design Deadline

LO: Understand the requirements of the brief and complete set tasks accordingly
Your deadline for this task is: 13th November 2015

By this point you should have each of the following:

  • Completed Game overview document
    • Including teacher feedback and moodboard feedback
  • Moodboard
    • Completed electronically or on sugar paper
    • This then needs to be fully annotated explaining your choices and decisions
    • If your moodboard is on sugar paper, you will need to photograph it
  • Storyboards
    • Completed for each room/level of your game and including descriptions of your decisions
      • Main menu
      • Instructions
      • Back story
      • At least 3 levels
      • Win Screen
      • Lose Screen
    • These need to be photographed and save electronically
  • Once this is finished you need to work on the RULES LOG

Tracking Document:

Moodboards and annotations pt 1

LO1:  To begin to critically analyse your moodboards
LO2:  To be able to give constructive feedback about a partners work and in turn respond.



On a post it note - write down 3 targets for today


1)  Complete your moodboard (If images are still needed, this must be done within 10 minutes.)

2)  Take screenshots of the overall moodboard and each of the following sections:

This document can be found HERE

3)  Comment upon the first 2 sections (the whole moodboard, Target Audience)
     A full mark exemplar can be found HERE
     Think about why you chose those particular images and how they could be used in or for inspiration of your game

Mini Plenary 1:

Swap computers with the person next to you and leave a detailed constructive comment about the moodboard section being analysed :

Do their ideas suit the scenarion?
Do they fit the target audience?
Give reasons to support your observations.

4)  Respond to the feedback provided - What will you/won't you change and why?


Look back at your post it note - how many of your targets have you achieved - what do you still need to do to achieve them all?

Moodboards annotation pt 1

LO1:  To begin to critically analyse your moodboards
LO2:  To be able to give constructive feedback about a partners work and in turn respond.



On a post it note - write down 3 targets for today


1)  Complete your moodboard (If images are still needed, this must be done within 10 minutes.)

2)  Take screenshots of the overall moodboard and each of the following sections:

This document can be found HERE

3)  Comment upon the first 2 sections (the whole moodboard, Target Audience)
     A full mark exemplar can be found HERE
     Think about why you chose those particular images and how they could be used in or for inspiration of your game

Mini Plenary 1:

Swap computers with the person next to you and leave a detailed constructive comment about the moodboard section being analysed :

Do their ideas suit the scenarion?
Do they fit the target audience?
Give reasons to support your observations.

4)  Respond to the feedback provided - What will you/won't you change and why?


Look back at your post it note - how many of your targets have you achieved - what do you still need to do to achieve them all?

Friday, 6 November 2015

Moodboards and annotations pt 1

LO1:  To begin to critically analyse your moodboards
LO2:  To be able to give constructive feedback about a partners work and in turn respond.



On a post it note - write down 3 targets for today


1)  Complete your moodboard (If images are still needed, this must be done within 10 minutes.)

2)  Take screenshots of the overall moodboard and each of the following sections:

This document can be found HERE

3)  Comment upon the first 2 sections (the whole moodboard, Target Audience)
     A full mark exemplar can be found HERE
     Think about why you chose those particular images and how they could be used in or for inspiration of your game

Mini Plenary 1:

Swap computers with the person next to you and leave a detailed constructive comment about the moodboard section being analysed :

Do their ideas suit the scenarion?
Do they fit the target audience?
Give reasons to support your observations.

4)  Respond to the feedback provided - What will you/won't you change and why?


Look back at your post it note - how many of your targets have you achieved - what do you still need to do to achieve them all?


Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Play and Learn - ARS Sheet and Assets table

Fill in your progress on the ARS Sheet below:


Sequencing Skills

Lesson Objective:

Develop sequencing skills using online programs

Volunteer: Act as the robot while the class gives you instructions


Task 1:
a) Using your piece of paper create a flowchart for the robot to follow to complete the first level of LightBot

b) Make your flowchart using Microsoft Visio

Task 2:
a) Follow your flowchart to complete the first level of LightBot by clicking here

Mini Plenary:

Does it work? Is it efficient? Could it be better?

Task 3:
Continue working through LightBot and see how far you can get!

Lesson Review:

2. Save the document in SITES > ICT > Unit 1
3. Complete the LightBot sections of the document

Hardware revision

You have 20 minutes to revise the following areas:

Input and Output
  • Revise Input and Output Devices - CLICK HERE
  • Do the Input and Output Devices Activity - CLICK HERE
  • Do the Input and Output Devices test - CLICK HERE
  • Take a screenshot of your results and add it to your Revision Results document

Data Storage

Monday, 2 November 2015

Unit 2 pre-assessment

Click the following link for the Unit 2 assessment:

We will complete this assessment again at the end of the unit to check progress made.

Answers are to be written in your exercise books.