Monday, 19 October 2015

10n/Is5 - Cover 20/10/15 - Period 5




Continue to build your game using your designs to help you. Use a development log to record problems, outcomes of functionality and usability testing, and actions taken.

 Create a development log. You should update it regularly during development.

Test each part of your game as you develop it.

Ask game testers to play a prototype of your game and give you feedback.

 Save the final version of your game.

Resource 1 - Click here to download the Development Log Section A  - Formative Testing

Resource 2 - Click here to download the Development Log Section B  - User Feedback
Resource 3 - Click here to download the Development Log Section C  - Teacher Comments
Resource 4 - Click here to download the Development Log Section D  - Design Changes

9n/Is1 - Cover 20/10/15 - Period 3


Fill in your ARS tracking sheet (these should be shared with you in your Google Drive folder) - Are you where you should be at this moment in time in the coursework?


Continue researching images for your moodboards and putting them into your Fireworks document.

The checklist for images can be found by clicking on the following link:
Moodboard checklist:

As a top set I would expect at least 5 images for each section.

Main 2:

Swap computers with a partner. Give an in depth analysis of the mood board using a blank word document:
Does it cover all the expected sections?
Does it give you a good feeling for what the game might look like?
Are all he images relevant or can they be explained?
What improvements could be made?
What images or opinions could you share that might help improve the final product?

Switch back to your own computer and improve on your mood boards from the feedback provided.



How does your mood board compare now to the original?

11n/Is5 - Cover 20/10/15 - Period 1

Update your ARS sheets to show where you are currently up to in your coursework (these will be available in your google drive)

1) Continue to complete your backgrounds (main menu, instructions, level 1 and 2) for your play and learn Games.
2) Continue to complete your storyboards if you have already made your backgrounds.

Give feedback to your partner about the backgrounds they have created (2 stars and a wish)

Monday, 12 October 2015

Unit 1 Assessment Revision

Revise your Unit 1 ready for the practice test tomorrow:

Introducing Computers –
Reliability and Backing Up –
Ethics and Law –

Use the website and use your Wildern credentials to create flash cards to help.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Changing worlds - Instruction booklets


To appreciate the reason for having an instruction booklet and to develop an electronic version for your game.


Take a look at these example booklets:

Examplar 1
Examplar 2
Examplar 3
Examplar 4

Which one do you like? Why?
Remind yourself what needs to go into an instruction booklet?
How should it be presented?


You need to have the following aspects covered:

  • Front page
  • Back story of the game
  • Controls
  • Objectives
  • Characters
  • Copyright notice
  • PEGI rating information


Once done - show your booklet to your peer and take/offer feedback about each other's work (2 stars and a wish!)


L/O To understand the difference between RAM and ROM

Starter - 10 minutes

What have you learnt so far this year in Computing? Write at least FIVE keywords on the whiteboards!

Main Task - 45 minutes


Extension Task: 

The world's largest SD Card!!

The world's first computer!!

Plenary - 5 minutes

Test your knowledge HERE

Monday, 5 October 2015

Inputs and outputs Homework

Due: Monday 19th October

1) Log into using the google+ icon and your wildern account:


1) Click on the share button

2) Click next button twice,

3) Click publish

4)  Click Embed Video icon

5) Copy the Embed Code

6) On your blog post, click html

7) Paste your embed code into your post and publish

Friday, 2 October 2015


Year 7 Baseline Test 2

From Internet Explorer - copy and past the following link:


Find your name and open the file. Complete the test in silence please.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Logic and Truth Tables

To develop your understanding of AND, NOT and OR gates and attempt to put these into an everyday situation
To further this knowledge and display the information using Truth Tables.


What do AND, NOT and OR gates look like?

Main 1:

Using 3 pieces of plain paper:

  1. Fold in half
  2. Draw each logic gate in the top half leaving space for a 3x5 table
  3. Make up an everyday scenario for the use of each logic gate (remember CLIFF!!)  and draw a short cartoon showing this.
Main 2:

Complete the truth tables for each of the logic gates in the tables.


Showcase your everyday examples with the rest of the class.

Storage Devices

L/O - To identify different types of storage devices 

Outcome - You will have written about different types of storage devices on your blog and be able to share this 

Starter - 5 minutes

Which is NOT a storage device?

Main - 50 minutes


Task: Download Lesson 4 Resource 1 and fill it in

Plenary - 5 minutes

Use THIS website to test your knowledge!

Extension Task: Take the Quiz on Input / Output